Migrating Ruby on Rails Twitter Service from v1.1 to v2.0: A Guide by WeAreHiring.io

As the Twitter API evolves, it's crucial to migrate your existing Twitter service from the deprecated v1.1 version to the latest v2.0 version. In this guide, we will walk you through the migration process step-by-step, while showcasing the seamless integration with WeAreHiring.io. By leveraging the power of WeAreHiring.io, you can enhance your job search capabilities and unlock new opportunities. Let's dive in!
Step 1: Understanding the Migration:
The first step in migrating your Twitter service is to comprehend the changes from v1.1 to v2.0. Twitter v2.0 offers enhanced features, improved authentication methods, and a more efficient API structure. By upgrading to v2.0, you can ensure compatibility with the latest Twitter API updates and take advantage of its advanced capabilities.
Step 2: Updating Authentication:
In v1.1, Twitter utilized OAuth 1.0 for authentication. However, in v2.0, OAuth 1.0 is deprecated, and OAuth 2.0 User Context or OAuth 1.0a User Context should be used. At WeAreHiring.io, we have successfully migrated our Twitter service by adopting OAuth 1.0a User Context. Here's an example of how to implement it using the oauth gem:
Twitter provide a Public postman workspace where you can fork and test it yourself:
Create Tweets Endpoint
require 'oauth'
class TwitterService
def initialize
@consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, site: 'https://api.twitter.com')
@access_token = OAuth::AccessToken.new(@consumer, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
def create_tweet(text)
tweet_body = { 'text' => text }
response = @access_token.post('/2/tweets', tweet_body, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json')
if response.code.to_i == 200
puts "Tweet created successfully!"
puts "Error creating tweet: #{response.body}"
def send_tweet(job)
message =
Estamos buscando a un/a #{job.job_title} en #{job.is_remote? ? '(Remoto)' : job.location_address}
#OfertaDeEmpleo #JobAlert #Empleos #Hiring
Step 3: Sending Tweets:
With the migration to v2.0 and the updated authentication, you can now seamlessly send tweets using your Twitter service. Simply call the create_tweet method, providing the desired tweet content. The code snippet above demonstrates how to send a tweet using the OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication method.
See api tweets in action @WeAreHiring_io
Step 4: Sharing Knowledge with the Community:
At WeAreHiring.io, we believe in sharing knowledge and empowering the developer community. By documenting your migration journey and sharing it with others, you contribute to the collective learning experience. Through blog posts, articles, or Medium posts, you can showcase your expertise and help fellow developers navigate the migration process.
Migrating your Twitter service from v1.1 to v2.0 is essential to stay up to date with the latest Twitter API changes. By adopting OAuth 1.0a User Context and leveraging WeAreHiring.io integration, you can enhance your job search capabilities and unlock new opportunities. We encourage you to share your migration journey with the community, enabling others to benefit from your expertise.
Happy tweeting and job hunting!
Ready to take your job search to the next level with WeAreHiring.io? Sign up for an account today and discover exciting job opportunities tailored to your skills and preferences.
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